Connectography for students and teachers of AP Geography
As teachers and students consider fresh material for AP Geography courses, you may download from this page the following sections of Connectography:
Table of contents
A Note About Maps
Chapter 1: From Borders to Bridges
Chapter 2: New Maps for a New World
These early chapters provide foundational analysis related to the present AP course curriculum's emphasis on:
- The nature and perspectives of geography (definition of the field, skills and technologies, and location of major regions)
- Trends related to the world population (geographies of growth, demographic ratios and migration patterns)
- Cultural processes (regionalism, identity and the rise of a global culture)
- Political geography (territoriality, sovereignty, borders and the evolution of post-colonial regions)
- Agriculture (geographies of food production, infrastructure and commercial expansion, and the impact of climate change)
- Economic development (diffusion of industrialization through special economic zones, global competition for supply chains, and diverse measures of development)
- Cities (the phenomenon of planetary urbanization, characteristics of cities, rise of mega-cities, approaches to urban development, and priorities related to sustainability and inequality)
Connectography delves into all of these areas of inquiry in far greater depth. We invite you to use the book as a resource for AP Geography, and welcome your correspondence and feedback on the book's themes and collection of custom-made maps.
Table of contents
A Note About Maps
Chapter 1: From Borders to Bridges
Chapter 2: New Maps for a New World