What Will It Take for Home Buyers to Start Asking for a Disaster Discount?
Globalization: How Crises Change Our World
Decoding the “Right” Wave in the U.S. and America’s Future Geopolitical Role
UK Soft Power Council convened by foreign secretary David Lammy
How the Digital-Climate Nexus is Reshaping Global Investment Patterns
La Scelta Di Modi: Amici (Poco) Di Tutti “È Qui OrmaiIl Motore Del Mondo”
Climate Change and Migration as Key Global Drivers
India is overlooking the climate drag on its economic growth
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Building New Frontiers: Competing Corridors in Global Connectivity
Future-proofing Migration — Where to Live 20 Years From Now?
Complexity is Destiny
Geopolitics & Technology: Navigating a VUCA World
Where is Humanity Going?
New Horizons: Trade in 2050
WEF Horizon Scan: Mega-Regions and Global Transitions
The Impact of Demographic Shifts and Climate Volatility on the Economy and Infrastructure
Navigating a complex world: Strategies for an age of volatility
The New Silk Roads in an Era of Geopolitical Tension and Climate Volatility
Rules of Disorder
Global Cities in Focus: Resilience, Growth, and Mobility
Liegt dort mein Klimaparadies?
A New Framework for Organising the World
Achieving Stability in a Complex World
What is more powerful? Meloni’s populism or the law of supply and demand?
How to Navigate a Volatile World
Where to Not Die: The Geography of Longevity
Leveraging AI for Climate Adaptation
Complexity is Destiny: How to the Future-Proof Malaysia
Carbontech expands footprint in SE Asia but road ahead dotted with challenges
How AI Drives Sustainability
Mass migration will lead to ‘winners and losers’ among cities
Where to Invest for True Resilience
How global agribusiness can navigate a complex world
Navigating Global Complexity
The Rise of Asia
Coping with complexity: Which societies will win the 21st century?
The Modi Raj: Trailer
How to navigate and shape the future as a world-changing entrepreneur
Where should we move to as the climate collapses?
From Grit to Greatness – Building the ASEAN Startup Ecosystem
Nachhaltig investieren mit Wirkung
Finding Alpha in Climate Volatility
Asia is experiencing its fourth wave of growth focused less on boundaries and more on connections
Opportunities and challenges in the new era of brands going global
The biggest opportunity for Chinese companies to go overseas lies in Asia
Chongqing Leads the Efforts to Ensure the Land-Sea Connections
2024 Land-Sea Finance Forum
What’s Wrong with the Current World Order?
The ASEAN Dream
Asia’s Role in Rewiring Food & Agriculture Supply Chain Network
The Coming Entropy Of Our World Order
Spatial Finance for a Climate Resilient World
Parag Khanna on the Rapid Rise of Singapore
An Asian Perspective on Global Climate and Geopolitics
Achieving Sustainability by All Means
The world needs more belts and more roads, Chinese-style
Freihandelsabkommen mit Indien: “Die Schweiz hat einen hervorragenden Job
The Red Sea Crisis Proves China Was Ahead of the Curve
Future-Proofing Global Investments
What does the world want from the Arab world?
Dubai’s climate risks rise as population triples
A Green Belt and Road Will Help Poor Nations in Climate Adaptation
Climate Adaptation at COP28
Embracing Resilience by Investing in Climate Adaptation
Climate-driven migration is becoming inevitable as the focus shifts to nations’ geographic fate
COP28: How AI Can Help to Combat Climate Change
From Climate Change to Climate Alpha: The next opportunity in sustainable investing
IBM and NASA to launch new AI weather model to solve climate challenges
Future-Proofing Global Real Estate
AI founder breaks down how ‘many places are doomed’ but others will be ‘the most valuable asset class in the world’
The New Global Macro
Reality Check: Making the Future Supply Chain a Reality
Adapting to a Warming Planet
Climate Alpha CEO on Embracing Instability
Global Scenarios for a World in Flux
Massenmigration kann man nicht eindämmen
Navigating Climate Volatility with AI
Warum der Nahostkonflikt weiter toben wird
Megatrends and Gulf Powers: Challenges and Opportunities for the GCC
A new global geography
UBS Sustainable Finance Summit: Gamechangers
From Climate Risk to Climate Opportunity
From Commitment to Action: Investing in Resilience
Can India-Europe corridor rival China’s Belt and Road?
The Sustainability Imperative for Global Investors
Turn Climate Risk into Climate Opportunity
Climate Opportunity Awaits
Can Singapore hold on to its reputation as Asia’s ‘safe haven’?
Deutschland als Vorbild für China
No Water, No Workers, No Chips
What You Can Do at Home to Help Stem Climate Change
Will we still have culture in the future?
Resetting Globalisation: Where are we headed next?
Willkommen im neuen Mittelalter – Ein Blick auf die Weltordnung im Jahr 2100
Days of Futures Past
Asians on the MOVE: Book Talk with Dr. Parag Khanna
The myth of the ‘Asian century’
Goals Night Out
Henry Kissinger’s Lessons for the World Today
Civilisation 3.0
Climate Alpha on using AI to forecast real estate asset values
Mehr Asien wagen!
The New Map of the World
What do global population shifts mean for Canada?
RMB Think Summit 2023
Kommt eine große Migrationswelle?
Jestem Geopolitykiem, Ale Nie Ideologiem. Konektywność Jest Dziś Polem Walki O WpłYwy
India’s Population Overtakes China
Geopolitics, Climate Change, and the War for Young Talent
Accidentally Optimistic
MOVE – Chinese Edition
How to Live in a Globalizing World
How to Climate-Proof Your Real Estate Portfolio
Keynote discussion at the FT Wealth Management Summit Asia
On the MOVE with Parag Khanna: Where Do We Go From Here?
The evangelist for climate migration
Busting Myths About Deglobalization and What It Means For Travel
PERE Keynote: Adapting Global Real Estate to Climate Change
Canada in Asia
Singapur: Die Übermorgenstadt
Co łąCzy RozpadająCy Się ŚWiat?
Climate Risk and Real Estate Valuations – ‘it’s complicated’
Redrawing the map
Leben wir in einer multipolaren Welt?
The Post-Pandemic Scramble
How to prevent climate gentrification
Has Globalization Backfired?
Climate Alpha with Parag Khanna v2
Asians on the Move: An Immigration Forecast
Can Western Governments Learn from the New Asian Values?
Goldster Inside Story
In front of every successful man…
How should business adapt to a world on the move?
Sustainable Investing in the Face of Climate Change
How to build a better future
Asians on the Move
Borders are holding the world’s eight billion people back
Three Languages You Need to Lead Through Chaos
The Next Opportunity | Where will you live with climate change?
Robb Report: Thought Leader Feature Interview
Where to Live as the Climate Changes
There’s a Global War for Young Talent. The Winners Will Shape the Future
El hombre más solo del mundo, el nomadismo y las micrópolis: cómo y dónde queremos vivir
Climate migrants and real estate: How to know where to go?
Where will we live in the future?: How climate change is remapping humanity
Under water: Is the real estate industry waking up to ‘climate risk’?
Deutschlands Rolle in der Epochenwende
What Does Progress Look Like?
Q Berlin 2022: The New Unknown – Navigating Zeitenwende
Bank of America 2022 Global Real Estate Conference
The Next Decade: Global Perspectives for Emerging Market Investors
Climate Alpha
MOVE – Arabic Edition
What Comes After the Coming Climate Anarchy?
Is a World Order Even Possible?
Americans moving to places more resistant to climate change
Ist eine Weltordnung möglich?
«Es ist nicht smart, die Grenzen zu schliessen»
It’s Time to Invest in Climate Adaptation
„Asiens Jugend ist Unsere Zukunft“
Planet-scale Musical Chairs: 21st Century Human Geography
The U.S. and Asia Through Covid and Climate Change
The era of great mobility
The era of global movement is fast approaching
Southeast Asia Rolls Out the Welcome Mat
The global war for talent will shape the future of economies
Billions of people will be displaced over the next few decades
Back to Earth
Where on Earth will people live in the future?
«Für vieles ist es jetzt zu spät»
The City Always Wins
On the Move: A New Geography of Food
Europe’s pivot to Asia
Russland zählt zur nordasiatischen Hemisphäre
Geopolitics and Global Mobility
Global Disruptions and Digital Services
Asia Next Directions
‘Os países não querem ser peões em uma nova Guerra Fria’
The Future of Human Civilization
The Future of Work: Ready for ‘Anywhere Jobs’?
Can we map Europe’s future?
Ascending Asia: Linking East and West
Climate Migration and Programmable Geography
Zwei bis drei Milliarden Menschen werden auswandern müssen
How to Play the Upheaval in Global Trade
Was kommt nach dem Liberalismus?
Insight: Asia In Times of Conflict
From Climate Change to Climate Alpha
Futurist alumnus forecasts a nomadic human future
Could all roads lead to Detroit?
The shape of the future: Global trends and scenarios beyond Covid-19
Global Cities in a Complex World
Wir müssen die Migration nachhaltig gestalten
عسكريتاريا | خريطة جديدة للعالم تتشكل في مجال الصناعات الدفاعية والعسكرية
The Best Place to Live in 2050? Michigan!
COVID and Climate Change: Scenarios for American Real Estate
Many countries aren’t punishing Russia for invading Ukraine
The Future of US-Asia Relations
What mass migration means for America
Strategic Infrastructure for Ascending Asia
Climate adaptation: America’s great resettlement challenge
The Futurist Edition
After Hours with Johnnie Walker Blue Label
Greater Room
Tatler & Johnnie Walker
Greater is a north star for leaders
Educating the Real Estate Ecosystem
Climate Migration and Future Population Centers
A ‘magic formula’ for the 4G leadership and beyond
Reflecting on a Future Defined by Mobility
Conversation with D. A. Wallach
Russia’s Next Operations in Ukraine
Settlement in Ukraine Is Not Appeasement
Adaptation to the Climate Challenge
Building Resilience: Climate crises and the green transition
Russia tilts towards the Asian system
Die Antwort auf fast alles: Wohin wandert der Mensch?
Elements of a Future-Fit City
Russia Joins the Asian Club
Move Along: Futurist Parag Khanna on Business, Technology, Migration and Climate
Die Asiatisierung Russlands
Move: Relentless Motion
The Shape of the Future
The Ukraine War & Great Protocol Politics
Asian Trade and Geopolitics in the Face of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Ukraine’s Refugee Crisis: The Role of the IRC and Asia
Asia’s Future in a Turbulent World
What are the Challenges Facing Adaptation Projects?
How Real Estate Can Cope With Endless Mobility
Shifting Demographics Create Opportunities in Alternative Credit
Is America Prepared for the Coming Mass Migrations?
How Climate Migration is Reshaping our World
The Forces that Move Us
Global Opportunities for European Wealth Management
Geographies of Opportunity in the New Global Environment
Wie steuern wir die Migration?
Migrantes: Un motor económico cada vez más necesario
Traverse City Business News
Thank your ass off
The APAC Opportunity: Stripe Regional Strategy Kick-Off
Where will You be Living in 2050? A New Book on the Future of Migration Tackles this Question
How Countries Should Attract Talent to Win
The Middle Ages… Again?
Migratory Tech Futures
The Michigan Opportunity
Balance of Innovation Holds the Key to Balance of Power
MOVE – A Global Perspective
Why Mobility is Destiny
Forces of Migration
The Brain Drain That is Killing America’s Economy
Singapore Launch of MOVE at 1880
Invade Russia, Iran and North Korea — With Connectivity
Parag Khanna on Digital Nomads and the Future of Global Mobility
Where – and How – Will Humanity Survive the 21st Century
Zur Zukunft der Demokratie: 36 Perspektiven
Mass Migration is Coming and the Future of Scotland is Asian
WEF Book Club: The Power of Mobility
UCSB Global Studies Colloquium
Net Zero Isn’t Australia’s Only 2050 Race
Britain Needs Immigrants if it is to Survive the Climate Storm
The Evolution of Migration: A War for Young Talent
Mapping People, Power, and Water
A Hopeful Look at How Global Migration Moves the World Forward
The Future is Brown-ish
Immigration, Booming Population and Global Influence: Is this the ‘Heroic’ Canadian Dream?
14 Bücher zum Jahresende
A Great Global Migration is Looming, and This Could Remap the World
Fire, Ice, and Floods: The Year Climate Warnings Went into Overdrive
To Compete in the War for Talent, You Have to Offer Geographic Flexibility
As Build Back Better Falters, What Happens to Climate Adaptation and Immigration?
The Age of Unpeace: Therapy for Internationalists
‘Jonge migranten aantrekken is de enige succesformule’
How will mass migration re-shape the world?
Competitive Connectivity in the Indo-Pacific
Humanity’s Future in an Age of Mass Migration
Move: The Forces Uprooting Us
Accepting Immigrants is a Matter of National Survival
Making the most of a warming world in (com)motion
Globalization Strategist Kang Shihe: Population Trends Accelerate After the Epidemic
Reverse Engineering the Future
Great Protocol Politics
Agile Revolutions: Taking Advantage of the Unseen
Why Having More Children Will Save the World
La competizione per individuare e ingaggiare i migliori talenti
Citizens of Everywhere: Why Influence Is Young, Mobile, and Portable
Fleeing Global Warming? ‘Climate Havens’ Aren’t Ready for You Yet
Digital Nomads on the Rise, Gen-Z Have a Self-Conscious Guilt About Environment
Energiewende und Geopolitischer Wandel
Migration and Climate Crisis: Challenges and Perspectives
Europas Asien Strategie: Multipolarität fördern
Mobilität ist ein Grundrecht des 21. Jahrhunderts
The best place to live in 2050? Michigan, says globalization expert.
How Climate Change is Driving Globalization
How seismic events are reshaping the world
Lessons Learned for the Green Transformation
Radical scenarios for the future according to MOVE
Climate change and Canada’s demographics
Mobility and Adaptation Amidst Accelerating Climate Change
Melting Pots of the Future: Global Cities and Climate Change
Contending with the Pandemic, Wealthy Nations Wage Global Battle for Migrants
Parag’s One Way Ticket is to Berlin!
How Does Immigration Shape the Future?
Mapping the Future of Humanity
Climate Change Is Inevitable. Here’s How We Must Adapt
Millennials are making mobile homes a new symbol of the American Dream
Investing in an Uncertain Future
Are We Doomed? Investing in an Uncertain Future
Speaking of Water: How Do We Consider Mass Resettlement of the World Population?
Prioritizing Climate Adaptation
Yes, the U.S. should ‘build back better’ — where the climate allows
FutureMap’s Khanna on the New Economy
Geopolitics of the New Silk Roads
MOVE named one of the best books of 2021 by the Financial Times
Global Mobility: Why People Migrate
Global Trends: What’s Happening Now
New silk roads in progress
Covid turbulence still strains overextended supply chains
Will immigrants really define our destiny?
US-China Relations in a Climate Change World
Migration and Resilience
Futurist lays out how to survive rising temperatures and climate change
Mass Migration is Inevitable. We Should Welcome It.
India’s future amidst climate change and geopolitical tension
Where Will You Live in 2050?
Navigating Fault Lines from Asia to the Indo-Pacific
Asia at the Crossroads
The Most Important Subject? Teach Your Kids Geography
Emerging World Reviews MOVE
The Present is Asian
How to Navigate the Forces Uprooting Us
Megatrends and the Future of Wealth
Searching for Climate Oases
Michigan will be the best place to live by 2050 because of climate change
Why Mobility Across Borders Is A Human Right
Movernos o morir: “Negociar en Glasgow no ayuda. Migrar es la mejor solución”
Mass Migrations and the Cities of the Future
Where will you live in 2050?
Migration, innovation, and why Canada is set to be a demographic superpower
Climate Conference 2021
,,Wir brauchen mobile Städte“
Separatists, Migrations and the Future of Cities
How People on the Move Shapes the World
Der Welt droht ein neues Mittelalter
The coming migration boom
cARTography: Maps, Culture, and the Future of Humanity
Predicting the directions of future mass migrations
The New War for Global Talent
An Exposé About 4 Billion Movers Who Will Change the Planet
Hollywood Needs to Show Us Life Beyond Climate Disaster
البعد الآخر
Mobility as destiny
Societies in upheaval: A discussion on MOVE
DNA of Purpose
South China Sea claims: Technocratic way to peace?
Building a New Future for Business
Will the COVID-19 pandemic prove to be the great inflection point of our time?
The Next Best Cities
Steering People to Productive Geography
Im Übermorgenland
Move with Parag Khanna