Interview with Nezavissimaya Gazeta
Read more interviews: Interview with Cinco Dias Interview with La Razon Interview in Tank Magazine Interview with Il VinerdiInterview with Nezavissimaya Gazeta
Read more interviews: Interview with Cinco Dias Interview with La Razon Interview in Tank Magazine Interview with Il VinerdiGlobalisierung als blosses Mittel der Geopolitik
Parag Khanna ist Politikwissenschaftler, hat an der Georgetown University und an der Freien Universität Berlin studiert und schreibt seine DoktorarbeitThe Government of Pakistan Needs to Step Up
By Parag Khanna Things need to be shaken up: The government needs to be the one that agitates and dislodgesThe Next Big Thing: Neomedievalism
Many see the global economic crisis as proof that we live in one world. But as countries stumble to right