Megatrends of the Post-Pandemic World
Morgan Stanley invited Dr. Parag Khanna to a morning keynote presentation at its Hong Kong Summit to present on theMegatrends of the Post-Pandemic World
Morgan Stanley invited Dr. Parag Khanna to a morning keynote presentation at its Hong Kong Summit to present on theThe Future of the Asia-Pacific
Deloitte Asia Pacific invited Dr. Parag Khanna to give the keynote speech at their regional leadership conference to provide insight苏伊士运河世纪大堵警示:为什么“一带一路”等替代路线如此重要?
战略顾问公司FutureMap的执行合伙人巴拉格·卡纳(Parag Khanna)对《财经》记者指出,对诸如苏伊士运河停航或破坏能源供应的冲突等事件,供应链显示出了高度的弹性。 此外,我们有互联网连接使数亿人保持业务连续性。停航事件很好地提醒了我们,为什么北极和陆上的“一带一路”等替代路线如此重要。对于供应链遇挫,全球的反应不应该是退出全球供应链,而应该是建立更多的供应链。Move – Das Zeitalter der Migration
Die Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft und der Rowohlt Berlin Verlag präsentieren gemeinsam in einer virtuellen Veranstaltung das neue Buch von Parag