Talking to Jeremy Hildreth about travel and the world’s coolest cities
Backstage at the Moscow Urban Forum, Jeremy Hildreth and Parag Khanna discuss globalization, scholarship, technocracy, and great global cities.Talking to Jeremy Hildreth about travel and the world’s coolest cities
Backstage at the Moscow Urban Forum, Jeremy Hildreth and Parag Khanna discuss globalization, scholarship, technocracy, and great global cities.Meeting the challenge of global megalopolises
By 2025, the population of the largest urban agglomerations will total 2 billion people accounting for three-fifths of global GDP.The Travel CEO’s Guide to the Asia-Pacific
At the ILTM summit in Shanghai, Parag Khanna spoke to the convenors about the long-term benefits of shared infrastructure projectsSanctions against Russia are self-defeating
Can world powers find a unified approach to the challenges of globalization? Ahead of the G-20 summit, Parag Khanna discusses