Russia’s Quest for Competitiveness Through Connectivity
[gallery ids="6510,6511,6512,6513,6515,6514,6516,6517,6518"] Dr. Parag Khanna gave the keynote speech at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum preceded by the official opening byRussia’s Quest for Competitiveness Through Connectivity
[gallery ids="6510,6511,6512,6513,6515,6514,6516,6517,6518"] Dr. Parag Khanna gave the keynote speech at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum preceded by the official opening byBrexit and the UK’s Future with Asia
Parag Khanna speaks in-depth with David Selves about Brexit and its impact on Britain at the London Press Club’sGeographical Reviews: The Future is Asian
By Chris Fitch "It's clear that Parag Khanna has hit on a significant and noteworthy global shift. Like it orUS-China trade war reflection of shifting centre for global trade
By Chad Bray Parag Khanna spoke to Chad Bray about how Europe and Southeast Asia stand to benefit from