Month: April 2019

Meet the New Medicis

By Parag Khanna Across the world, a new generation of visionary entrepreneurs is spreading knowledge and financial services into the

中港廠商加速遷移 東盟得益

中美貿易摩擦自去年年中顯著升級以來,不少只在內地設廠的中港企業,紛紛考慮於東盟國家增加生產設施。國際策略顧問公司FutureMap創辦人兼地緣政治學者Parag Khanna【圖】接受本報專訪時表示,過去10年間,中國勞動力成本不斷上漲,中港企業陸續轉移到越南、印尼及菲律賓等東南亞國家設廠,已成為行業趨勢,貿易爭拗無疑正加速企業相關部署,東盟國家可說是得益者。

The Asian Century: What Asians Need to Know

By Hong Xinyi Parag Khanna speaks to Hong Xinyi on why he's bullish about Asia, why he takes a markedly

Italy joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative highlights different approaches of Europe and the US on Asia policy

By Parag Khanna and Kishore Mahbubani Parag Khanna and Kishore Mahbubani argue that while Italy's joining the Belt & Road