Month: September 2019

Keynote at Swiss Bankers Association in Zurich

  Dr. Parag Khanna gave a keynote speech at the annual Swiss Bankers Association (Bankiervereinigung) conference, where he illustrated the

Asia Society Switzerland launches The Future is Asian

Asia Society and Vontobel co-sponsored the launch event for The Future is Asian in Switzerland. Matthias Kamp of Neue Zuercher

貿戰不會結束 中美正分道揚鑣

By Peggy Wong 中美貿易磨擦在去年爆發後,股市、科技企業、廠商,甚至消費者均牽連甚廣。目前市場憧憬兩 國可達成一定的協議,美國國際關係專家 Parag Khanna 接受本報訪問時表示,中美貿易戰不會結 束,兩國正在分道揚鑣,在美國以外的地方尋找新市場,同時在其他地方持續競爭。

A Fork in the (Belt and) Road?

FutureMap founder and managing partner Dr. Parag Khanna presented at a seminar in Hong Kong on the future of China's