Author: Team Nirmal

O novo mundo pós-pandemia

Exame | 15 April 2020 by Ernesto Yoshida, Ivan Padilla, Marina Filippe, Murilo Bomfim e Natália Flach Do atentado de

The coronavirus butterfly effect: Six predictions for a new world order

[Source Image: PytyCzech/iStock] The world may soon pass “peak virus.” But true recovery will take years—and the ripple effects will

The world after coronavirus

Watch from 22’16” - 29’:25” Dr. Parag Khanna spoke to Spanish broadcaster Iñaki Gabilondo about how Asian countries are successfully

Il consulente di Obama: “Vergogna comportamento Ue con Italia e Spagna”

AFP By Roberta Lanzara "E' veramente vergognoso e deludente il modo in cui l'Unione europea si è comportata nei confronti di Italia e Spagna