Japanese edition of THE FUTURE IS ASIAN published by Hara Shobo
Tokyo-based publisher Hara Shobo is pleased to announce the release of the Japanese edition of The Future is Asian byJapanese edition of THE FUTURE IS ASIAN published by Hara Shobo
Tokyo-based publisher Hara Shobo is pleased to announce the release of the Japanese edition of The Future is Asian byProfessor Eje Kim on South Korea and Connectography
by 김이재 ‘커넥토그래피(Connectography)’란 연결(Connect)과 지리(Geography)를 합성한 신조어다. 『커넥토그래피 혁명』을 쓴 파라그 카나는 미국지리학회 회원으로 미국국가정보위원회에 조언하는 국제관계 전문가다. 그는 21세기