As Build Back Better Falters, What Happens to Climate Adaptation and Immigration?
As the Build Back Better legislation stalls in Congress, Dr. Parag Khanna appeared on MSNBC's Meet the Press to discussAs Build Back Better Falters, What Happens to Climate Adaptation and Immigration?
As the Build Back Better legislation stalls in Congress, Dr. Parag Khanna appeared on MSNBC's Meet the Press to discussThe Age of Unpeace: Therapy for Internationalists
In this episode of ECFR's "Therapy for Internationalists," Mark Leonard and Dr. Parag Khanna speak about the future of migration‘Jonge migranten aantrekken is de enige succesformule’
De tijden van honkvastheid zijn voorbij. In de 21e eeuw zullen miljarden mensen migreren om de klimaatverandering te ontvluchten enHow will mass migration re-shape the world?
Leading global strategy advisor Dr. Parag Khanna discusses the future of migration in a world where demography, economics, politics and